Thank you for using Scooter66!

We’ve compiled a list of the questions we get asked the most often. To jump to the section you’re most interested in, simply click on one of the buttons below. If you still can not find the answer you are looking for, you can contact us at info@scooter66.com and we will reply as soon as possible.


If you get the following error when you upload images …jpg :- Attachment size exceeds the allowable limit. Visit https://scooter66.com/faq/ then follow step 2-3-4 before uploading your images.


Visit https://compressor.io/ and compress your pictures.


Press the button start upload and wait until the end of the compression.


Press the button to save all images on your computer.


Try to upload you pictures on the website again. If the solution don’t fix the problem, you can contact us at info@scooter66.com